The Difference between Being Interested versus Committed
Carrie Reinagel Carrie Reinagel

The Difference between Being Interested versus Committed

Commitment entails a wholehearted dedication to a vision, powered by a compelling 'why.' It's not the superficial yearning for material acquisitions, but a deep-seated desire for transformation that extends beyond oneself, often encompassing financial freedom, self-expression, or the betterment of others. This 'why' serves as a beacon, guiding through the murkiest waters and fueling persistence even when the path ahead is obscured. It's about envisioning a future that not only demands growth but also fosters a sense of fulfillment that resonates on a profound level.

The journey to achieving such ambitious goals is seldom straightforward. It requires resilience, the kind that pushes you forward when every fiber of your being yearns to quit. A genuine commitment to your financial dreams means engaging continuously, allowing your overarching 'why' to navigate through moments of doubt and challenge, transforming the aspirational into the achievable.

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Got Peace of Mind about Money?
Carrie Reinagel Carrie Reinagel

Got Peace of Mind about Money?

Where do we start building our financial peace strategy?

Learn practical tools and habits to achieve wallet wellness, underscored by the belief that happiness can indeed lead to financial gain. Challenge your perceptions of money with thought-provoking insights and personal reflections, addressing common myths and fostering an abundance mindset. Discover how shifting beliefs from scarcity to wealth in all aspects of life—time, experiences, and purpose—can unveil a rich tapestry of resources right at your fingertips.

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