“Pay it Forward” Pledge
“I’ve found that among its other benefits, Giving liberates the soul”
The word CURRENCY comes from the Latin word "currere" which means "to run" or "to flow.” At BDC, we focus on up-leveling your ability to be an EXCELLENT RECEIVER, first and foremost. For the FLOW to run sustainably, I believe one must also GIVE, ideally to where you get your spiritual food and to people you care about.
Generous Giving completes the circle of ABUNDANCE.
I was raised with the notion of tithing and after releasing religion, I re-acquainted myself with the ritual of giving as an offering of thanks, of service, and a confirmation of my connection to something greater. This habit has opened up my capacity for compassion and connection with wonderful humans on our planet.
When you add regular giving to your business and spending plans, you are exercising a muscle of giving, which also activates a vacant space for unexpected gifts, good feelings, and a special magic to rush in. Remember, “nature abhors a vacuum.” (Aristotle)
I am committed to making a difference in the lives of others. I proudly donate 3% of BDC revenue to people and causes, especially those dedicated to fostering peaceful and abundant living.
Currently, I donate regularly to:
The Etherean Mission, based in Ghana, Africa. The mission is to bring world peace in our lifetime to through the activation of every individual’s inner potentialities. Learn more: http://www.conscioushumanity.com/
Donald Norris Fessman is a dear friend of mine who suffered a freak ocean accident several years ago, forcing him to deal with quadriplegia. Don is getting straight A’s in his pursuit of his Psychology Doctorate and he is determined to walk again. I am on Don’s team, so I am giving him a portion of my proceeds. Learn more: https://provisionbridge.org/donald-fessman/
Kiva Micro loans for international entrepreneurs. It’s fascinating to see what others are building in their corner of the world and inspiring to know that my small loan is making a big difference for someone trying to make Life workable for themselves and their families. (I have been loaning the same $100 for over 10 years) Learn more: https://www.kiva.org/about/how